Thursday, January 3, 2013

Sicky New Year

Well, it is now 2013 and my family has spent most of the last few days in bed, feeling pretty sick. First Marcus got sick on the 30th of December, and by the 31st I was down with a cold as well. We couldn’t even muster the energy to stay up to welcome the New Year, and went to bed around 9:30 (!)

By January 1st poor Luke had joined us in the sicky department and has had a high fever off and on since. Marcus though was really so sick and didn’t seem to be improving, so he went to the hospital yesterday for some blood work and it turns out he has dengue fever and amoebeasis :( Poor guy, he is feeling so miserable. He was allowed to come home last night but nausea has set in and he was finding it impossible to keep water or other liquids down, so this morning we had him admitted to the hospital so he can stay hydrated intravenously. (There’s no medication for dengue, unfortunately, but it is imperative that patients remain hydrated). His white blood cell count is pretty low but hopefully after a couple days of rest and hydration his body will start fighting back.

Our next worry of course was that Luke might have dengue too. He had blood work done this morning and he does have a viral infection, but his WBC count isn’t abnormally low so we’re hoping the infection is just the flu. Will keep monitoring his health and am hoping and praying he will improve soon!

My cold isn’t so bad but of course in all this we’ve been worried that baby girl might make her appearance. I am full term now and though my due date isn’t until January 21, my doctor thinks baby girl may arrive early. I had a check up today and thankfully, am not at all dilated at this time and my doctor thinks it will be about another week before labor starts. Really hoping we can all get healthier before our little girl joins us!

Thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers and words of encouragement. We are hoping that 2013 can only improve from this point on!

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