Thursday, April 11, 2013

Aliya at 3 Months

She seems pretty pleased to have reached this milestone doesn't she? ;-)


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Next Chapter...

Tomorrow my baby love will be 3 months old. She is becoming so much more interactive and gurgles, coos and sometimes even shouts. Thankfully she no longer requires being held 24/7 and sleeps quite well on her own. (In her first few weeks she would only sleep if she was being held!) I can’t believe how fast the last 3 months have gone.

Also, sadly, today marks the end of my 3-month maternity leave and tomorrow I must return to work. I’m not totally dreading it. I mean, Roots of Health is like my first baby. But I am so sad that I won’t get to be around Luke and Aliya as much anymore. I so wish that I could have more time to be with them but my mom and Marcus need me to come back to work. They have done a magnificent job the last 3 months doing their own jobs and covering mine, but I know that they will be a lot less stressed at work once I start again. Sometimes I wish I lived in Canada, where they give a year off for maternity leave. But then again we do have a pretty sweet lifestyle here. Because I run ROH, I have the freedom to work from home when I need or want to, and do some work in the evenings so that late afternoons can be devoted to the little ones. So I am not complaining. The last 3 months have been fantastic but now it is time for me to get back into the balancing act of running ROH and being a wife, mom, daughter, sister and friend. Hopefully my transition won’t be too difficult. Someday I do hope to spend a year or two at home with the kids full time, but for now, wish me luck as I head back to work and try to survive all day without any naps!!