Friday, March 9, 2012

The Best Toys

Our family and friends are super generous with Luke so he’s got lots of fantastic toys. He loves playing with his blocks and reading books and hugging stuffed animals. But for the most part, his favorite toys are, well, not toys at all. Lately his most-favored possessions are a couple of empty water bottles. It’s true. These bottles keep him entertained for hours. He bats at them, throws them around, walks around the house with them and eats them. I took a photo of him playing a little while ago and was reminded of an article I saw once that lists the 5 best toys of all time. Included in this list are: a stick, a box, string, cardboard tube and dirt. Love it. What other free toys do your little people love?

Who knew a water bottle could be so fun?! 

Two water bottles!! Fun overload.

1 comment:

  1. Yes! Despite all the high tech toys my boys get as presents a big cardboard box, a long piece of string or cloth and a paper airplane always win.
